About Us

The Pacific Northwest Council on Renal Nutrition (PNW-CRN) is a new, dynamic multi-state council, encompassing the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. We operate as a local affiliate of the Council on Renal Nutrition (CRN) and the National Kidney Foundation (NKF).
As a local chapter, we are charged with supporting NKF’s mission of making lives better for those with chronic kidney disease by providing education and programs that meet the needs of the of the communities and professional members we represent, at the local level. As a multi-state CRN representing 5 states, we have an opportunity to reach a larger audience than ever before. We are currently focusing on professional networking, education and support. Most of this networking and education will be accomplished via live webinar due to the size of our new council. In the future, the hope is to challenge ourselves individually and as a group, to find ways to reach out and provide education and support to our local communities. To not only make a difference in the live of our patients, but also their families and healthcare providers. Thank you for joining PNW-CRN on the exciting new chapter of “Our” organization.
Executive Committee 2025
Greg Wisont, PhD, MPH, RD
Consider Volunteering
Grace Scarborough, RDN
Chair - elect
Consider volunteering
Jessica Collopy, MS, RD, CSR​
We are looking for members interested in participating in the Executive Committee next year. There are open positions for a Chair-Elect, Webmaster, and Treasurer. If you are interested, please contact us or any of the members of the current Executive Committee.
Want to be more involved in PNW-CRN? Consider volunteering for a position on the Executive committee. Officers are elected annually during the October PNW-CRN quarter meetings. See the job duties below:
1. Serves a 1-year term, after serving as Chairperson Elect
2. Plans and presides over all meeting of PNW-CRN and assist with goal setting for that year
3. Reports the activities of PNW-CRN to the CRN regional representative and other appropriate persons. This includes:
a. Submits quarterly reports to the regional representative
b. Completes annual reports for CRN affiliation
4. Encourage new local members to join PNW-CRN and NKF/CRN
5. Communicates any information sent by persons representing NKF/CRN to the council and make the council aware of the deadlines
6. Performs all acts and duties incidental to the position of chairperson of PNW-CRN and is responsible for other duties as requested by PNW-CRN
Chairperson Elect
1. Serves a 1-year term
2. Shall become familiar with the duties of the Chairperson
3. In the absence of the Chairperson, perform such duties and have all the responsibilities of the Chairperson
4. Is responsible for planning the educational programs
5. Is responsible for notifying the Secretary/Membership Coordinator of received or declines honorariums by speakers.
6. Shall have other duties and responsibilities assigned from time to time by the chairperson and/or the PNW-CRN executive committee
7. Shall resume the role of Chairperson the following year.
Secretary/Membership Coordinator
1. Serves a 1-year term
2. Shall keep minutes of all the meetings and assists in preparation of PNW-CRN correspondence, including sending Thank You letters to program speakers
3. Is responsible for arranging refreshments for meetings
4. Shall maintain an updated roster of members
5. Shall work as a liaison for new members and shall send welcome notes to new PNW-CRN members
6. Shall send notification for dues and schedules meetings
1. Serves a 2-year term
2. Shall keep current the financial records and all related business transactions of PNW-CRN and its executive committee
a. Deposit dues and other PNW-CRN income
b. Reimbursement of expenses; including honorariums to program speakers
3. Coordinates PNWCRN investments, preparation of income/expense reports for each PNW-CRN meeting
4. Preparation of the yearly summary of the income/expense report
5. Prepares annual budget
6. Maybe assigned other responsibilities and duties by the PNW-CRN executive committee